Refund Policy

We at CARKLY are committed to providing you with high quality services and products. However, we understand that sometimes unforeseen situations may arise where you are not satisfied with the result we offer or wish to cancel your order. In this returns policy, we clearly and honestly tell you when and how you can return or exchange our products or get a refund.

What products do we offer and how are they delivered?
We offer you quality accessories for cars that are delivered to the address you specify.

When and how can you cancel your order?
You can cancel your order at any time before it has been processed. If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us via our contact form or email. by mail

When and how can you return or exchange our products?
You can only return or exchange our products if they are delivered damaged or unsuitable. If you have received a damaged or incorrect product, please contact us via our contact form or email. by mail within 14 days of receiving the product and we will try to resolve your issue. You can choose whether you want to receive a new product, exchange the product for another product, or receive a refund. If you decide to return or exchange a product, you must send it back to us at your own expense within 14 days of our acceptance. We do not accept returns or exchanges if the product is damaged through your fault or if you return or exchange the product without our consent.

When and how can you get a refund?
You can only receive a refund if you have canceled your order in time, or if you have returned our product that was delivered damaged or unsuitable. If you meet these conditions, we will refund you in full within 14 days of receiving your request. Refunds will be made using the same payment method you used to make the payment. We are not responsible for any additional fees or late fees that may be charged by your bank or payment service provider.

How to contact us?
If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding our return policy, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form or email. Email We will try to answer your message as soon as possible and solve your problem. We value your opinion and trust.